I originally declared my major as Computer Engineering, BS. I dabbled in Computer Science, BS, a bit, but have finally settled on Information Technology, BS. The CS classes I have taken thus far qualify me for a Minor in Computer Science.
If not obvious, this page is still a work in progress.
This course focused on concepts and best practices for developing and managing “mobile-first” technology projects. It covered processes and requirements for developing mobile web applications and principles for effective interface and user experience design.
Below is the website I created in the class, containing the various projects I completed.
LIS4381 Website (I copied this website over from its original location, so not everything works right now)
Tools Used: PHP, MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench, Android Studio
Taught by Dr. Mark Jowett at Florida State University, Summer 2016
Learned relational database management systems using MySQL. Topics included data modeling, database design, implementation, forms and reports, and remote access to databases.
Tools Used: Databases, PHP, MySQL, MySQL Workbench
Taught by Hengyi Holly Fu at Florida State University, Summer 2016
Taught by Professor Steven DiFranco at Florida State College at Jacksonville.
I had played with Microsoft QBASIC and Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 before I took this class, but this is where I got my start in "real" programming.
Taught by Professor Robert Janson at Florida State College at Jacksonville.
Taught by Dr. David Gaitros at Florida State University, Spring 2016.
Taught by Dr. David Gaitros at Florida State University, Spring 2013
Below are my assignments from the class:
Taught by Richard Hurst at Florida State Universtiy, Spring 2016.
Taught by Professor Daniel Chang at Florida State University, Summer 2010
Taught by Dr. David Whalley at Florida State University, Fall 2012
Shell scripting, Perl programming, etc.
Taught by Professor Randolph Langley at Florida State University, Summer 2012
Admittingly I already knew a lot of the content from this class but it was by no means a waste of time. I still learned plenty!
Below are some of my papers I wrote while in this class: