Adventures in Information Technology and Computer Science

I originally declared my major as Computer Engineering, BS. I dabbled in Computer Science, BS, a bit, but have finally settled on Information Technology, BS. The CS classes I have taken thus far qualify me for a Minor in Computer Science.

If not obvious, this page is still a work in progress.

LIS4381 - Mobile Web Application Development

This course focused on concepts and best practices for developing and managing “mobile-first” technology projects. It covered processes and requirements for developing mobile web applications and principles for effective interface and user experience design.

Below is the website I created in the class, containing the various projects I completed.

LIS4381 Website (I copied this website over from its original location, so not everything works right now)

Tools Used: PHP, MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench, Android Studio

Taught by Dr. Mark Jowett at Florida State University, Summer 2016

LIS2780 - Database Concepts

Learned relational database management systems using MySQL. Topics included data modeling, database design, implementation, forms and reports, and remote access to databases.

Tools Used: Databases, PHP, MySQL, MySQL Workbench

Taught by Hengyi Holly Fu at Florida State University, Summer 2016

COP2220 - C Programming


Taught by Professor Steven DiFranco at Florida State College at Jacksonville.

I had played with Microsoft QBASIC and Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 before I took this class, but this is where I got my start in "real" programming.

COP2551 - Object Oriented Programming with Java


Taught by Professor Robert Janson at Florida State College at Jacksonville.

COP3014 - Programming I (C++)


Taught by Dr. David Gaitros at Florida State University, Spring 2016.

COP3330 - Object Oriented Programming (C++)

Taught by Dr. David Gaitros at Florida State University, Spring 2013

Below are my assignments from the class:

COP3252 - Java Programming


Taught by Richard Hurst at Florida State Universtiy, Spring 2016.

CGS3066 - Web Programming and Design


Taught by Professor Daniel Chang at Florida State University, Summer 2010

COP4342 - Unix Tools


Taught by Dr. David Whalley at Florida State University, Fall 2012

Shell scripting, Perl programming, etc.

CNT4603 - Computer and Network System Administration


Taught by Professor Randolph Langley at Florida State University, Summer 2012

Admittingly I already knew a lot of the content from this class but it was by no means a waste of time. I still learned plenty!

Below are some of my papers I wrote while in this class: